Nutrition Help 101

Nutrition is much more than looking at food as fuel.

Yes, food contains nutrients that we need to look and feel our best. But nutrition is more complex than the simple adage, calories in vs. calories out.

Food (and nutrition) is a story.

Every time food enters the body, it tells specific cells to do amazing things. From producing hormones to increasing neurochemicals and even activating certain genes, food plays a critical (and complex) role in your everyday existence.

But food is more than just information for your body. Food is also your story. Are you a Foodie? A traveler who delights in exotic treats? Are you a homemaker whose love language is food?

When seeking nutrition help, it’s vital to consider the big picture. The following Nutrition 101 resources will help.

Nutrition 101: Help and Resources

Cells and Nutrition

To understand what ‘good nutrition’ really means, it’s helpful to start at the cellular level. By zooming in to the trillions of cells that make up the human body, we can see (and appreciate) how food impacts the very core of our physical selves. This includes energy production, chemical reactions, hormonal balance, nuerotransmitter abundance, and genetic expression. Section and resources coming soon!

How Digestion Works

When’s the last time you paused after a bite of food to think, What actually happens after I swallow this? A quick overview of the digestive process reveals a dizzying yet well-coordinated flurry of activities that all comes down to one critical goal: To get nutrients out of your food, and into your cells. Section and resources coming soon!

Nutrition and Metabolism

Did you know: Your body has 3 unique metabolic pathways. These pathways are like the gears of a car, or bicycle. At one end of the spectrum is a gear that is ideal for fast and explosive movement. On the other end, you have a gear that will allow you to move at a slow pace for hours on end. Learning about these metabolic pathways is critical, whether you’re an amateur athlete or simply looking to optimize your overall vitality and wellness. Section and resources coming soon!

Energy Balance

Energy balance is a key concept when it comes to understanding why some people gain weight, and some do not. In this section, we’ll look at why calorie counting doesn’t always work, and why it’s important to think in terms of overall “energy balance” instead. Section and resources coming soon!

Exercise and Nutrition

Building on the concept of energy balance, this section looks at the impact of exercise on the body. Specifically, we’ll look at how different types of exercise can help to change your body composition. From fat-burning cardio workouts to muscle-building strength sessions, we’ll learn how activity at every level/intensity can contribute to “good nutrition”.


Macronutrients are “major” sources of nutrition. These include fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Macronutrients come in various forms, each of which can be beneficial or detrimental to the body. Section and resources coming soon!


Micronutrients are needed in much lower quantities compared to the macronutrients described above. However, don’t think that makes them less important. Micronutrients include things like vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds that everyone needs in order to function healthily. Section and resources coming soon!

Hydration and Health

Simply put, we cannot live without water. Fluid balance is critical, especially in hot and tropical climates like Sarasota. Fluid imbalances can compromise your immune system and trigger a cascade of adverse health effects— none of which support weight loss or good nutrition. Learn more about the role of water in your body, and discover ways to optimize your health and performance. Section and resources coming soon!

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